Travel Tips

Safety First: How to Stay Safe and Secure While Traveling Solo

Safety First: How to Stay Safe and Secure While Traveling Solo

Solo Travel Tips: it's true what they say—traveling alone is among the most terrifying, intimidating, and freeing experiences one can have! Recall the scene from the movie Queen where the lead heroine, twenty-four-year-old Rani, decides to go alone after her fiancé calls off their wedding? She goes alone across Europe, meets new people, tries new things, drinks, laughs, weeps, and eventually discovers inner happiness, freedom, and tranquility. That's precisely what a journey alone can do to you—though maybe not in that order. Above all, you'll discover a few things about yourself through a solo vacation that you do on your own.However, it's easier said than done to go on a solo trip, especially the first time around. First-timers have butterflies in their stomachs just thinking about all the things that need to be organized, from the itinerary to the money. Don't worry! We've included some advice for first-time solo travelers in this blog. Continue reading to prepare for doing it alone!

6 Must-know Solo Travel Tips

1. Select Your Destination

Priorities start with the destination! Experienced travelers always concur that, while traveling alone, the journey of discovering new locations is often more significant than the final destination. Having said that, because traveling alone may be a daunting experience, it is preferable to pick a location that you feel comfortable in. Is there a destination you've always wanted to visit? a location that has always drawn you in? Which do you prefer—bustling cities or serene, gorgeous locations if you're more of a nature lover? Consider these questions and make plans based on your answers.Hard-core adventure seekers could even think about destinations overseas, but those who are a little nervous about traveling alone should start with well-known locations. In any case, it need to be an environment that inspires and maintains your enthusiasm.

Read also: Solo Travel Tips for Women: A Comprehensive Guide

Fantastic Ideas:

First-time visitors will be more receptive to a location with a strong tourism infrastructure, one that is closer to home, or where the local language is spoken. To all of you amazing ladies out there, our most significant solo female travel advice is to seek out locations that are known for being secure and welcoming to women.

2. Completing your homework

Traveling alone gives you a lot of freedom and may not need meticulous planning. It does not follow, however, that you may just pack your things and get off. You'll need to conduct a lot of research on your trip, covering everything from its food and culture to its weather and tourism opportunities. Additionally, you want to thoroughly investigate your alternatives for lodging and transportation. Check the hours, policies, and other details, etc., if you intend to visit any monument or well-known site. To meet new people and see a lot of locations in a single day, it's a good idea to search for one-day tours offered at the destination.The internet is your best friend if you want to acquaint yourself with a place without actually visiting. Look, look, look; read, read, and read some more. Almost each place under the sun has a plethora of travel guides and blogs available on the internet. Speak with someone you know who has experienced it.

Fantastic Ideas:

To store all the information you've researched in one location, keep a notebook or utilize a travel app. Although it may seem like a mundane task, at some point throughout the journey you will find yourself rewarding yourself for doing this.

3. Make a Budget Clearly

The most crucial component is now here: the money! Your budget for a single travel is mostly determined by two factors: lodging and transportation. When we talk about transportation, we should also include the price of getting about the location, including sightseeing, pickup and drop off, etc. You should be able to estimate these costs reasonably well from your preliminary itinerary.The most difficult aspect, though, is accommodation. Each metropolis or small town has both high-end accommodations and affordable boarding houses. Which one ought you to select? All you need is a tidy and secure spot to have a decent night's sleep if your aim is to get out and explore the area from morning till dusk. Therefore, you may choose a hotel or boarding house that is reasonably priced, secure, and has all the amenities needed for a nice stay. Before making a choice, make careful to read the reviews and look up the ratings and images online. Budget extra for other costs like entertainment, food, beverages, tickets and admission fees, souvenirs, and travel insurance, particularly if you're going outside of India.

4. Purchase your tickets in advance

After you've decided on your itinerary and spending limit, it's time to buy your tickets, the next significant step. You can save some savings in this region. For example, the most affordable method to get around much of India is via train, which connects most locations. You may, however, possibly think about taking a plane to your location if you find airline tickets at exceptionally low prices. Similarly, reserve your lodging far in advance. Remember to search online for hotel discounts and specials; there are many of online travel agencies that run amazing promotions all year round.

Fantastic Ideas:

Make sure when you purchase your subsequent tickets that you don't arrive at your destination too early in the morning or very late at night. The check-in time is another important factor to take into account. You don't want to arrive at the hotel many hours ahead of schedule.

Read also: Top 5 Must-visit Cultural Hot Spots in the USA

5. Persuade Your Parents

Indian-born individuals are aware of how crucial—and challenging—it is to persuade your parents of anything, much less going on a solo journey. Just the term "solo" is enough to raise red flags. You will be faced with a barrage of inquiries, ranging from "Solo what!?" to "Why don't you invite your brother along for company," unless you are really fortunate. If the passenger is a woman, the amount of queries and the level of anxiety may increase by two or three times. In India, going alone is becoming more popular, but it hasn't yet taken off. It is therefore imperative that you be ready to speak with your parents and respond to any queries they may have, regardless of how absurd they may seem to you.

Fantastic Ideas:

The most effective tactic for most parents is a well-thought-out trip itinerary. Don't be afraid to share information that you believe would reassure them, such as the number of days, your preferred means of transportation, your lodging options, your itinerary for touring, etc. Make a commitment to them that you will stay in contact, and honor that pledge. Recall that you ought to be joyful and self-assured, and you ought to take into account rather than completely discounting your parents' worries.

6. Condense But Wisely Pack

There are two types of travelers: those who pack light and travel for weeks with only a bag full of necessities, and those who bring a duffel, a suitcase, and a backpack along for the ride, even when they are simply spending the night at a friend's house. The golden rule of solo travel is to pack wisely yet lightly. Keep in mind that while you go touring, you occasionally have to haul about your belongings, so packing a backpack or tote bag with all your necessities is the ideal option. This makes getting about in crowds and using public transportation more simpler than you may think.When it comes to packing, just bring items that you truly need. For example, remove toiletries and bath towels from your list if your hotel offers them. Wearing layers or convertible clothing is the finest option when it comes to attire since it allows you to mix and match your outfits and up your bling factor. It is very forbidden to bring more than two pairs of shoes.

Fantastic Ideas:

When you go solo for the first time, you need to pack a first aid kit, power bank, money belt, and a few resealable plastic bags. Bring along your diary so you may record the specifics of your journey. Most essential, even if you are not a voracious reader, always have a book in your backpack. You'll only realize how helpful it is when you encounter curious, or even obnoxious, other travelers. And you can just open the book and begin reading when you come across one, or at least seem like you are reading.

Things to Keep in Mind When Traveling Alone

That covers the preparation for your first solo trip. There are now a few additional things you should be aware of when traveling. We've included a brief guide below:

  • Use public transportation: When traveling alone, try to avoid using taxis as much as possible and instead use public transportation. In addition to being affordable and safe, it increases your chances of meeting new individuals.
  • Start Your Day Off Right: If you're going to do some sightseeing, get an early start. In this manner, crowded tourist destinations like parks and museums may be avoided. Return to your hotel after your day's activities and have a delicious meal to refuel.
  • Stay in Contact: Constantly! Inform your family of your daily whereabouts and intended destination. Tell them you're having fun and being safe. It really does help!
  • Take It Easy on the booze: While going to your neighborhood bar and enjoying a drink to lift your spirits is perfectly acceptable, you should take it easy on the booze. Never, ever indulge in alcohol while you are alone yourself.
  • Make Friends But Don't Trust Anyone: You are traveling alone, of course, but that doesn't mean you have to go alone or experience loneliness all the time. The whole point of traveling alone is to make new friends, have a good time, and share wonderful experiences with them. But always use common sense and never put your whole reliance in one person. Proceed with extreme caution while disclosing information to your newfound buddies.
  • Be Safe: This encompasses a number of actions, such as being aware of your surroundings and leaving unsettling or unsafe circumstances. 

Have you ever entered a place and, for no apparent reason, felt uneasy? Have you ever met someone who seemed OK on the outside but had an extremely powerful, eerie vibe? Have you ever been in an unsettling situation? That's what we call an instinct, my buddy. Something is probably not right if it doesn't feel right, whether it be a person, location, or circumstance. That is all there is to it. Furthermore, your instincts are the best buddy you can have while venturing out into the world alone.



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